Andi Walker, textiles artist and HIV support worker, will carry out two quilt making workshops inviting people to contribute with their own experiences of Queer domesticity. 
Queer domesticity, love and joy has long been the target of politicisation, debate and stigmatisation - Section 28 described homosexuality as a “pretend family dynamic” in a period of time where 75% of the British public believed that 'homosexuality was always or mostly wrong'. Queer relationships are often seen as not belonging in the domestic space and often historically forced into secrecy, making its archival, documentation and most importantly experiencing queer love and joy in a domestic space a precious thing. 
These two workshops will hold a space for us to talk about, share and make art of our experiences of queer domesticity. The finished Quilt will be shown at Leeds City Museum on the 18th of November, the 20th anniversary of the repeal of Section 28.
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